Home » Severen » 20 weeks old!
20 weeks old!
Severen is 20 weeks old today, which makes him about 4 1/2 months! Since our last check in (16 weeks) he has been very busy! He is able to roll around now. He also recently discovered that his feet/legs are not just random objects but actually parts of his body that he can control. He rubs them together, flaps them around and reaches for them. He likes to try to sit up by pulling on our fingers and gets frustrated when he can't do it. He got his first taste of rice cereal and gobbled it up. He actually wanted to drink it from the glass, which I let him do.
The weather has been wonderful and we've spent lots of time outside. He likes to rest on a blanket under a big tree and stare at the leaves. If his pants are off, he is especially happy! He sleeps in his own room on his floor bed and that has been fun (photos coming soon!) I am amazed at how much he moves - we've gone in to get him in the morning a couple of times and found him chilling out in the middle of the room on his back, just babbling.
He is so even-keeled . . . no high-highs, no low-lows (although that might come with teething, I am told). Lots of good stuff in between.
And why is this post so late? Because it is 5 PM and I just ate lunch. It's been a long, long day with not much to show for it. Except this post. And a happy baby. Bon weekend!
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