My meeting that was invaluable

As I mentioned a few days ago, I was scheduled to meet with someone who is one of the best in the antique jewelry business.

I met with her. Y'all, it was wonderful.

To sit and talk to someone who has 30+ years experience in the field that you want to really dig deep into was incredible. It was invaluable.

Not only does she have the knowledge and wisdom, but she also has kindness. She shared some information with me that's taken her years to develop. We shared a few laughs, a cup of coffee, and talked antique jewelry. It was one of the best days I've had since starting this business.

I was even given a few leads, so I'm meeting with someone else on Saturday. I hope this becomes a trend.

I hope and pray this it's me in 30 years having coffee with some naive young woman who wants to learn more about the antique jewelry business. She'll probably tell me that she's figuring it all out as she goes, pregnant and scared, made some mistakes, but is eager to learn.

I'll tell her that I've been there.

Let someone who admires you treat you to a cup of coffee and just share your knowledge. You just might make their day. Or their year.

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