Annie Hall cool

Some days, I just want to look like Diane Keaton from Annie Hall. Yesterday was one of those days. I felt really, really great! Then I walked Mr. Jean Jean to his office and as I was crossing campus right at lunchtime, I suddenly felt really, really old. All those skinny-ankled kids with their à la minute fashion trends! By the time I got home, the coolness I felt taking these glamour shots in the morning had preetttty much worn off. C'est la vie! Oh, and sorry about the creepy double-wrist pictures, I know it looks like I am giving myself a fist-bump. But I assure you, I don't do that - even when I am feeling très cool in my driveway.

shoes/jeans/silk shirt/vest || hand-me-downs from Lauren  (I know! I would probably be naked without her.)
hat || antique mall
locket || 1910s Little Beatrice locket with photos and original chain, available in the shop
bracelet || 1930s expandable locket bracelet, antique shop
watch || 1940s Avalon watch, antique shop (and it works!)
ring || my mom's high school ring

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