Instant Antique Earrings

Instant Antique Earrings
in handy blister pack

The complete antique earrings collection of Adin Antique Jewelry, Antwerp, Belgium
(Click the picture to see all our antique earrings jewelry)

ANTWERP, October 04 - Along with instant chicken soup, instant coffee, instant oven cleaners, instant pain relief, it was only a matter of time before instant antique earrings made their international debut. Researchers at "The Adin™ Research Center for Relationship Welfare" came out with this brand new invention in a handy blister pack.

According to Adin's Chief researcher Elkan Wijnberg, non-clinical testing show promising results and although still in testing phase, "Adin™ Instant Antique Earrings" will be launched in the near future. Till then, antique earrings have to be bought per pair at

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Antiqualy yours,

The Adin team



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