9 months old
Well, Severen has officially been outside my belly for as long as he was inside. We celebrate his 9 month birthday this weekend! This is a photo from this morning (thanks, Dad!) The last month has been full of changes. He is crawling and walking by holding on to our fingers. He is more vocal. He likes to "talk" on his stroller rides and he laughs easily. He eats lots of foods but especially likes broccoli and mango. He loves to open the laundry shoot door and inspect the latch. He loves to eat fuzzies off the floor.
Every month I think, "This is it. This is the best time for us. This is the peak." And then the next stage comes along and I think it all over again.
He is very attached to me at the moment which I don't mind at all. I recognize that this is a very, very short stage and that sooner than I care to admit, he will be off and running and not needing his mama in the same way. So I am enjoying the extra love and cuddles. And I'm getting used to having him sit in the hallway while I go to the bathroom.
I am feeling less overwhelmed now. Let's say, two out of seven days (it used to be all seven!) Whatever maternal synapses and neruo-pathways (and coping mechanisms) I've been forging these last several months are finally sparking along at maximum capacity. There are days when I feel invincible. There are also days that I sob at my desk and wish my family lived closer to help us out. I don't expect this to change. I think being a little manic is part of being a parent.
My overwhelming emotion these days is pride. I am so proud to be Severen's mom. I'm so excited that he is on our family team! I want a bumper sticker that says, "My little boy is awesome." I want a t-shirt with his little face on it. Most importantly, I totally get why some moms wear giant, shiny buttons of their kids' sports team photo. I used to think that was so dorky but now, oh yes I'm gonna be wearing one of those. Probably with a jeans jacket and some mom jeans. Awwww yeah.
Next week on the blog . . .
Halley's comet jewelry
Severen's new favorite toy
A biggish shop update
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