We are so happy to once again be a part of Barn House Vintage & Antique Marketplace. Please come see us, Joe & Jermonne and all of the other guests. This Saturday from 9:00 to 4:00. For details please go to BarnHouseBH.com. You will not be disappointed.
Our Front Window is full of Foundry Molds from our Neighbor the Georgia Pacific Mill. You can own a piece of Camas - These molds are incredible with new ones arriving each week - the supply will probably last thru the end of August. The proceeds go to the Downtown Camas Association.
Between my Camera and my Computer I have had trouble posting photos so I have some Great windows to catch up with - Starting with Clark's 4th of July window. Notice the lighted arrow - Clark is making these in some great colors.
Michelle did a beach window that sold so fast that it was hard for her to keep up with refilling it.
Jennifer has a back porch window up right now in the store - With her Mom's help.
See you soon at the store, or at Barn House this Saturday,
Home »Unlabelled » Fabulous Weekend Ahead
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