New rose species discovered in The Garden of Adin !

New rose species discovered
in The Garden of Adin !
Antique jewelry Mother's day suggestions from the antique jewelry collection of Adin Antique Jewelry Store, Antwerp, Belgium

Antwerp, Belgium - For years, it has been rumoured that the Garden of Adin might shelter some interesting flora. This hearsay panned out last month, when an interesting flower was discovered. The mystery plant was taken to Mr. Elkan Wijnberg, chief botanist of The Garden of Adin's Academy of Sciences. 

To all surprise, the shrub turned out to be a new rose species of Rosa Antigua, a genus in the rose cut family. Detailed examination of the rose, as well as the discovery of more wild populations in The Garden of Adin this month, confirmed that it was indeed a distinct new species of Rosa Antigua, Wijnberg says.

To celebrate the finding of these new rose species an intense-sparkle exhibition has been opened. 

Antiqualy yours,

The Adin team

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