A whole lotta this

It is going to be warm here this weekend and I plan to have the kiddie pool filled every day. When I filled it up a few days ago for the first time, I had a crazy flashback moment. I think this pool might be the portal to my backyard in 1985. The back-in-time feelings were so powerful that I had to check in with myself and make sure I was me and not my mom. That we were in Michigan and not in Iowa. That is was 2012. The motion of flipping over the wobbly pool, getting out the hose, watching the water fill up over the little printed critters, the smell of the plastic in the sun, Severen's warm little body . . . it was eerie. And actually going in the pool? You are going to laugh but it was damn near a religious experience. I mean, the last time I was in a kiddie pool I was the kid. And now I am the mom. Severen lounged and splashed and loved it, oblivious to the fact that I was in a time warp.

If only we grown ups could find a few moments this weekend to be as relaxed as a little boy in a kiddie pool . . .  that would be really nice. I wish it for you (and for me!) Bon weekend!

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