Severen's Family Tree

I ordered this family tree for Severen a couple months ago and I am so pleased with it. It comes from the Evajuliet Atelier, a shop based out of Montreal. I looked around for lots of customizable trees and this was by far the sweetest. Lots of them are sort of cartoony (no thanks). I think that I might put some family photos around the tree so that Severen has faces to put with the names as he grows up. It occurred to me the other day that he won't know who his great-grandparents are, or even his grandpa (my dad), unless I talk about them and make them a part of his life. It feels like a big responsibility to introduce him to his ancestors, but I'm his Momma and that's my job. I hope someday he will tell his kids stories about my mom, my brother . . . maybe me. Don't we all hope to be remembered by the people we love?

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