Home » Severen » 16 weeks old!
16 weeks old!
I figure a check in with a photo of the lad about once a month is good, non? Well, our last photo was at about the three month mark and here we are now - almost four months old! Severen is getting so big. He is wearing six month clothing and has almost outgrown his changing table and co-sleeper. I'm not sure how much he weighs but I'm guessing around 18#. And dude - his head is like 3/4 the size of mine?! I love his little chickie hair, too.
He is super fun to play with these days. He likes to reach for things, grasp at them and - if all goes according to his plan - shove them into his mouth. He is also getting more interested in food. He watches me like a little puppy when I am eating, kicking his legs and licking his lips. I've been giving him little licks of pears, strawberries, etc. and he loves it. The best thing, though, is his baby vocabulary. He makes a wide array of clucks, blurbbles (yep I made that word up), and coos. Damned if it isn't the best sounding stuff I've ever heard. I'll probably pass out the first time he actually says a word.
My big realization these last few weeks: life as a mom is a lot more enjoyable if you can include your baby in as much of your daily routine as possible. That means that it isn't always one-on-one, let's-stare-into-each-other's-eyes playtime at our house (although we do a lot of that, too!) Sometimes he rides in the Moby while I do laundry. Sometimes he plays on the floor in the kitchen while I chop vegetables or eat handfuls of cookies. Sometimes he chills out in his stroller at the post office while I ship packages. I used to feel guilty about having him do all that stuff with me but then I think - hey, maybe he sort of likes it? For all I know, he might think that going to the grocery store is like a trip to Paris! Or that the kitchen floor is as fun as a carnival! What I do know is that when I include him in whatever I am doing, our day together goes much faster and usually smoother. And because we accomplish more when he is awake, my free time is truly my own when he is sleeping. Hellloooo yoga. Helllooo shop updates. It's a good thing.
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