Guest Post || Lisa of Tree & Kimball

I asked Lisa of Tree & Kimball (the lady who made this rad necklace) to do a guest post for us about her studio space and when she sent me the photos, I was left bouche bée as they say. Sometimes I find super organized spaces a little intimidating but the opposite is true here - the room is soooo focused, cool and welcoming. I feel like I could accomplish anything at that desk, you know? That is the power of a perfect workspace. Thank you for sharing, Lisa! ♡ Duff


Hello there! I'm Lisa from Tree & Kimball, filling in with a wee tour of my studio, as Duff settles into her new role as la mère extraordinaire. Ms. Jean Jean has become a dear internet pal of mine over this past year & I'm simply over the moon for her & Soren, as this little gentlemen transforms them into a family of three.

And so, I bring you a glimpse into my full-time Etsy-an work-space:

Where the lace lives.
Chain, with more chain and some chain on top
My two best gals and a brand-new dream-desk
Entry to the studio and a collection of favorite things
A sunny nook and a (hyper-organized) closet

Courtesy of my handy husband, loads of hideous beige carpeting has recently been ushered out of our house, in exchange for some new oak floors (hallelujah!). First stop was my studio, which has quickly become my (tightly sealed) oasis, as inches of sawdust pile up in the remainder of the house. Almost entirely re-decorated from what it once was, my new hideout has made me one seriously happy gal, & just in time for the holiday order rush!

Once the floors are complete (soon, so soon!), the last stop on the home renovation tip for my husband & I will be... a nursery! We've recently come to know that we'll be welcoming a bean of our own this coming summer. An internet pal to baby Duffelmeyer-Anderson, perhaps...

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