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Seduce someone drinking chocolate
You never know when you might need to seduce some so it is good to have a few tricks up your sleeve, non? I think drinking chocolate is the best way, personally. This super-simple recipe yields a cup of chocolat chaud that is flavorful and rich - really, a liquid version of your favorite bar (whatever you choose to chop!)
Seduce Someone Drinking Chocolate
Supplies needed: your favorite dark chocolate bar, milk (preferably whole), 1/2 and 1/2, measuring cup, saucepan, mixing pitcher, whisk
Method: Finely and evenly chop the chocolate bar using kitchen knife. 1/4 c. of chopped chocolate is enough for a rich demitasse. Chop more if you want a bigger (or double) serving. Put the chocolate in a heat-proof mixing bowl or pitcher (I like using my Pyrex) and set aside.
Measure milk & cream (just a splash for good measure) and put in the saucepan. The general rule: Use twice the amount of milk as chocolate (for my demitasse, I used 1/2 c.). The 2:1 liquid/chocolate ratio will ensure that the drinking chocolate is rich and thick but not pudding-like. If you prefer a milkier drink, use more milk here. Want to make ganache? Reverse the ratio.
Bring the milk/cream just to a boil on the stovetop. Remove from heat and pour over the chopped chocolate. Let the mixture rest for a few seconds then gently begin to whisk until the chocolate is completely melted and the drink is frothy. Serve hot or warm - the drink will thicken the longer you let it stand.
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