Planning for babytime

Remember when I made this announcement back in June? Well, here we are. It's December and our little lad is due to arrive any day. Actually, his due date was Wednesday (did you hear that, Baby?) Anyway, if there are a few days of silence here on the blog soon you can safely assume that he arrived. Mr. Jean Jean and I are very excited to meet him and introduce him to life outside of my belly.

So here's the plan: I will be taking January off for the most part, a self-imposed maternity leave from Jean Jean Vintage. You will see me on Twitter, though, and there will be excellent guest posts here on the blog (among other things). And of course the occasional baby photo! The shop will stay open with the current listings and I'll be shipping as usual, although perhaps not as speedily as before. I hope to be listing new pieces and ready to roll again in time for Valentine's Day!*

*Disclaimer: Everything that I just said will happen might not happen. I mean, who knows!? Thanks in advance for your patience as I figure out how to be a mom and have a business.

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