Playing dress up

As women, do we ever tire of playing dress up? 

I don't think I do. 

Enter what's called a "slave bracelet ring." I've seen these before but never knew the official name. 

While I was junking antiquing a few weeks back, I came across this here bauble. 

I did not purchase, as I do not care for this look, but I always like learning about these kinds of things. I find them interesting. And I don't mind a funky 70s gem here and there, but this was a bit much for even me. 

But wearing it around the store for 30 minutes? Oh, yes. My 6-year-old "gotta wear it" attitude is exposed when I'm handed anything tacky, funky, chunky, or appalling. 


Ah, well it's  all in good fun. 

Images from my real collection coming later this week. Trust me, you won't want to miss them! 

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