Old family photos of new babies

Top: Paternal Great grandma Mamie holding Grandpa Fred, 1906
Bottom: Paternal Grandpa Fred & Grandma Miriam holding my dad, 1943

Maternal Great-great grandma Ollie holding her first child, ca. 1903

Maternal Great grandpa Sam holding baby Frank w/ my grandma Velma squinting, ca. 1930

As you may already know, I am pretty serious about genealogy. Because of this I've become the keeper of many of my family photos. This is a great honor and huge pleasure for me, as you can imagine. Recently I've been looking through them, thinking about how many people - their lives, their hard work, their DNA, etc. - are going to be a part of our baby. When I found these photos - some of them over 100 years old - of my ancestors holding the family babies, I was especially moved. All of the people in these photos, except my Grandma Miriam who is almost 96, are gone now. I am glad that we will be adding a new branch to the family tree soon.

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