An afternoon visit

Last Saturday Soren and I spent the afternoon with some family friends who live in the area. Their names are Wim and Gianna and they have the best love story I've ever heard. They met on a boat crossing the Atlantic Ocean from New York to Rotterdam in 1954 - Vim returning to the Netherlands from from Air Force training in Canada and Gianna returning to Italy to visit her grandmother. And that's not even the most romantic part! Maybe someday I can tell you their whole story here . . . anyway, they are a wonderful couple and we enjoyed a day of leisurely lunching (cheese, homemade rolls, tomato salad, fresh greens from their garden), visiting and looking at family photographs.

Pants and top || H&M hand-me-downs
Shoes || Lewré
Ring || 1940s glass and sterling ring
Earrings || 1930s Art Deco rhinestone drop earrings (saved from the drain)
Pin || 1910s rhinestone jabot pin

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