Point Reyes family adventure

Soren and his sister's at the trail head, which was a ca. 1860s dairy farm.
The Ocean on our left.
The pretty Point Reyes shoreline.
Tamales Bay on our right, heading out to the point.
Your truly, demonstrating the kind of "predator" pose that might scare the elk. Creepy, I know.
Tule elk grazing all around. We must have seen at least 150 on our hike.
He spotted us!
Looking down from at the tip of the point.
The lighthouse.
Along the lighthouse wall, with the stairs in the background
Last week, we went on a long hike along the Point Reyes National Seashore. My sisters-in-law were visiting and so the four of us set out together. The four-hour hike was really amazing, going north on the peninsula bounded by the Pacific Ocean on the west and the Tamales Bay (i.e. San Andreas fault) on the east. We could see both bodies of water for most of the hike. We also saw lots and lots of elk! We finished our trip with a walk down 300+ stairs to the Point Reyes Lighthouse in the hopes of spotting some whales on their northern migration. I thought they would be frolicking and waving their tails at me, but no - they stay underwater for the most part, just barely surfacing to spout once in a while. It was hard to spot them but right before we left to go back to the car, I saw a spout!

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