I'm every girl

Confession: I feel badly for my jewelry because I'm not a fancy-dress-up lady. I don't have a closet full of amazing clothes worthy of the all beautiful accessories I've collected. I worry that my pretty things would be better off in a big city, going out to cocktail parties, jumping in cabs, and accessorizing with high heels. Sometimes I get intimidated by my nicest pieces and just avoid wearing them all together! But then I catch myself and remember my Jean Jean Vintage tagline: Vintage jewelry for every girl, every day. And I think to myself, "I am that girl!" The most important thing is to wear and enjoy what I have - who cares about the rest.

So yesterday I put on two pieces I've had squirreled away since I found them in January. I really like delicate 1930s necklaces (as you probably remember from this post) and the pale colors and wing shapes on this one sealed the deal for me. As for the ring, angel skin coral cameo + seed beads = love. I wore the necklace and ring all day, paired with my hum-drum tank tops and cardigan. We took photographs together, ran errands, made tea - nothing fancy, just another day.

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