I'm wanting to start a series called "Ask an expert." I have a few questions and a few people set up for a series of FAQ's in the world of jewelry.
But in the meantime, I have a few tips to share which I call "Stuff the amateur knows."
As I mentioned yesterday, the first rule of antiquing, bargaining, or shopping for deals is this: Underdress.
I personally wear only a gold wedding band on my left hand when I shop for deals. I got it for my anniversary because of bargaining purposes, and for the simple reason that some days I just want to be simple. Minimizing can be so chic. And that coming from a usual-gaudy jewelry wearing person.
But back to bargaining. Andrew often asks me how I do it. I know there are a few things in this world that I am good at, and this is one of them. I'm firm, yet polite. I know what I want, yet I stay around and think. And most importantly, I know when to walk away. I always have control because the ball is in my court, and I know it. But the easiest thing a person can do is dress the part. That goes for life in general: bargaining, job interviews, and the list goes on and on.
I'll try to put my bargaining techniques into words but in the meantime, that is my advice: look homeless. Just kidding.
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