Dijual sepeda stokvis nederlandsce Kroon
-Emblem ori
-Cat ori
-Bagian Braket berpantek
-As tengah Ori
-Pedal ori berbahan nikel,sehingga perkiraan di bawah th 1935
-Fork Ori, bagian tumpuan as berlubang,bukan japit
-Bel Ori
-Kunci gevov
-spakboard Ori
-Handle pompa model miring (khas nederlandsce Kroon)
-Gir Ori
-Handle Lampu Ori RSZ (R.S Stokvis Zoned Fabrikatten)
-Tinggi 23
-Velk 36 Ori Mentol
-Torpedo Burung
-Sadel celeng
Mahar please call 08175451887
Nice bike! What is the date of the Torpedo hub? Nr is left under eagle logo, but I can't read it on the photo. I have a ca 1925 NL kroon bicycle and I'm working on a dating guide for NL kroon.
Thnx, Rob
hai Rob.. can i contact u by email, iam also looking dating guide for this bicycle
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