Things of late

Things have still been busy, but busy in a good way.

The Thibodaux show was a huge success, and I'm grateful to everyone who came by in support of me. 

Andrew and I are off to a wedding tonight in Atlanta. This will mark the 4th weekend in a row that I have been out of town. Next week will be the 5th. I can't say this makes me sad; just tired. 

This week I've been catching up on sleep. (I'm an early bird, but 4:45 AM to drive to LA and back to SC is a little too early birdy for me.) I've also been catching up on work with the newspaper and the jewelry store. 

I'm still dreaming of boiled crawfish, Abita beer, and sunshine, and those Louisiana days are quickly approaching as we are going HOME for Easter!  

Hope you have a fabulous weekend. I plan on wearing some old jewelry and being fabulous myself. 

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