Apparently the people with whom I encounter on a daily basis do not read my blog.
Earlier this morning, I posted that I "still wear my love knots even though I am not sixteen."
At a store this afternoon, I was asked if I had 'gotten my prom dress yet?!?!?!?!?' This made me chuckle especially since I wrote about not being 16 anymore just this morning.
I gotta tell ya that a small part of me was tempted to kick off my boots, toss my sunglasses and purse on the hot pink leopard print chair and start trying these jazzy dresses on!
If I were sixteen, I would have loved this place. My style, though, has evolved since then into what I thought embodied what twenty-six year olds wear.
You can be honest; do I need a make-over? Maybe I should cut my hair? My mom always said I looked older with a short, fixed, cute bob...
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