A royal seal!

The Adin Museum Of Fairy Tale Artefacts
proudly presents:

Absolute top notch Victorian Royal seal, rock crystal and gold, stunning quality
Absolute top notch Victorian Royal seal, rock crystal and gold, stunning quality
Absolute top notch Victorian Royal seal, rock crystal and gold, stunning quality

A royal seal!

Once upon a time... there were three kings that went on a relic-quest to the Holy Land. Their remains were transported to Cologne by Frederick Barbarossa where they rest today. As a reminiscence to this quest the family de Grammont intergrated the three heads in their family crest.

The family de Grammont are among the five most noble families in France and come from the family of the barons de Granges, barons of the county of Bourgogne in France. This family had many great officers at the court and armies of the Dukes of Bourgogne, and three archbishops of Besançon. Four Grammonts were lieutenant generals in the armies of the King of France in the eighteenth century. The family crest of de Grammont bears also the crosses of Bourgogne.

Antiqualy yours,
The Adin team

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