The box the box!

This piece in the collection at the Victoria and Albert Museum is incredible. As usual, I like the box more than the thing inside the box. Just look at the label. Just LOOK at it. I feel like my insides are dissolving (in a good way). Jesus, it is amazing. What I would give to pay a visit to this Artiste en Cheveux and commission a piece. I'd ask for an extra box or two with my order.

On the topic, I'm pretty excited about mourning jewelry (have been for a few years) and I am going to start talking about it more here, mkay? So, now let's see . . .  the blog will be about vintage jewelry, my son, scarves, pretty lockets, old photos, hot chocolate, motherhood, my son, hairwork and death jewelry. Soooooo cohesive, I know. Bear with me! I promise things won't get too crazy around here.

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