High tech antique jewelry dealers

High tech antique jewelry dealers

Movie of Absolute top notch gold filigree earrings, unseen high quality
(Click the picture to get to the descriptive page of these earrings)

Many of our dear customers who are into antique jewelry are not necessarily high tech gadget aficionados. It is for them that this mailing is meant. We would like to explain just a little bit what you can do with the movies you will find more and more on the www.adin.be website.

Movies are available in several resolutions up to HD (High Definition). Default we will show the lowest resolution (360p).You can change the resolution yourself to a higher by just clicking on this button: Youtube 360p button explanation that you will find in the right down corner of the place of the movie.You can also choose to make the movie screen filling by using this button: Youtube fullscreen button explanation that you will also find in the right lower corner. And of course you can play the movies over and over for as many times as you like.

Click here for all the antique jewelry we already have movies from.

Antiqualy yours,
The Adin team

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