Busy Girl

I just wanted you all to know that I am, in fact, alive and well and doing more than just eating Girl Scout cookies and obsessing over Drew Brees and my husband. And I am still crazy excited about my jewelry business despite being spread quite thin at the moment. (I immediately thought of Thin Mints when I wrote the word 'thin.')

I have been very busy writing for the paper here; my article comes out Thursday, and the word on the street is that it's on the front page! I only hope that "Confessions of a Mardi Gras Queen" is eye catching enough for the publication to fly off the shelves. I'll pray.

Speaking of praying, I've been spending much of my mornings lately with The King. What a joy He is. I think this is the first year I've ever liked Lent. Maybe I've finally realized what it's all about. Ah ha revelation!

And since I decided to surrender all, I got a call about an apprenticeship with a local jeweler in Anderson. What a perfect opportunity for me to learn about the industry! I think it will also help to get my creative juices flowing.

And speaking of creative juices, Andrew is teaching me to paint. I couldn't ask for a better teacher and friend. We had the best Sunday: went to church, then put on some tunes, had some wine, and painted. So much better than watching TV. I long for quality time, and I soak up every opportunity to get it.

(But speaking of TV, Tenley: awesome, gracious, classy, wonderful. Vienna: gross, Jake.)

So all in all, the last few weeks have been wonderful. I'm looking forward to the weeks ahead and SPRING time! But it's snowing outside of my window right now. I'll forgo the dream of boiled crawfish, sunshine, Abita Strawberry Ale, boats, and wide brim hats. They will come soon enough.

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