The original Cinderella gold sewing kit!

The Adin Museum Of Fairy Tale Artefacts
proudly presents:

Dutch Victorian ladies sewing set, scissors, needle case, pirn and piercer

The original Cinderella gold sewing kit!

ANTWERP, Januari 17 (Reuters) – A master plan released today will dramatically overhaul the Garden of Adin, incorporating the innovative feature of "The Adin Museum Of Fairy Tale Artefacts”. Garden of Adin Education Commissioner Elkan Wijnberg released the master plan today after presenting it Friday to the Board of Regents, where it was enthusiastically received.

He also announced the first exciting donation to the Museum and gave us the story behind it: Once upon a time there was a princess that we will call Cinderella. Cinderella had an exciting life covered well by all the glossy magazines. For old time sake she repaired the clothes of the rest of the noble family but as privilege entails responsibility she did so with this gold set.

Antiqualy yours,
The Adin team

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